Monday, December 29, 2014

S11:E1 "The beginning of the end"

Well, I finally got moved. :( I'm gonna miss Århus. But Odense shouldn't be that bad. I'm with someone I knew from my highschool, so that should be pretty fun. I'm looking forward to getting to know the people here.

This past week was just eating loads of candy and hanging out with members and saying bye to people. Nothing too crazy happened. I can just give a final wrap up on people. 

Ashley is alcohol free now, moving to Iceland in 9 days, then he will be travelling to the states after that. He is doing well, and going strong. 

We visited Roy on the 25th, and that was great. He really enjoyed the visit. It was great to see the change in him, because the first time we met with him he said "I think God just wants me to cut all strings with people" but this past time we saw him he was like "You made me realize how much I like people, and want to spend time with them." Solid stuff, I'm glad that we could help him in the ways that we have. 

Frank has been one who has changed a lot as well. He told me flat out that it's crazy he is in church and that the most important thing to him is his family. He isn't looking super close to baptism or anything, but he is making good progress and learning a lot on the way. Getting good at ping pong as well. 

Ummm... Boy... miss that area already. Such great members. 

We hadn't seen Fred or Isaac or anyone in a while sadly. So I'm not sure how they are doing. 

Christmas was fun though, nothing too wild happened. 

It was nice talking to all of you again. Happy new year!

Sorry for the short email, don't have a whole ton to say this time.

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