Monday, October 14, 2013

S4:E09 "Jesus had some cactus"

Hi everyone! I hope everything is still going fantastic with you. Denmark is still the best, although it is getting awefully Cold. I am now armed with a scarf and a big coat, because the Wind is unbelievably freezing. But I have the fat from pastries to keep me warm throughout the Winter.
On to the week! Monday was a good day. We helped Yaseen move some random furniture from the middle of nowhere up North. Then we went to an áwesome eating apointment with Familien Eriksen, where they had this fancy grill looking thing in the center of the table, where it was more like a Cook your food while you eat thing. It was super intense, and way good. There was some chicken, beef, vegetables, deliciousness. Then we had an awesome lesson with them where we talked about how cool conference was. We also found out that Tomas (the dad) could have been a professional ballroom dancer but went on a mission instead!
Tuesday, we had a good lesson with Andrea. Every time we teach Andrea we sit under an acorn tree. So, whenever it is windy we can bombarded with acorns. During this lesson one acorn fell and nailed Andrea in the face. But other than that, we were just finishing up getting her ready for baptism. Then we met with Peter, WHO wasn't doing so well. He has to go through kemo Again, so he was not happy with life and was sick of how he was living. He was still awesome, and still a boss, but he wasn't his happy self then. After that we got this Deep dish pizza to make us feel better, then we stopped by Tai and had a really good discussion with him on the purpose of life, and why religion. Sadly Tai is still being himself, and not really giving it a chance because of what he already believes, but I still think he is the coolest guy ever.
Wednesday comes around, and this was zone conference. So I got to see Elder Larsen, Elder Eisert, and Elder Hawkes Again. I also got to see Elder Durrant, which was awesome. Yet another kid from Mapleton that I knew before the mission. It was a really good zone training, where we talked about faith. The Elder Larsen (Grandpa Stewie) shared his last testimony with the missionaries because he is going home after this transfer. It was kind of sad, and really weird for me to see another person I know leave. I'm starting to become one of the old farts here on the mission. After an awesome familiy reunion except for Elder Walch, me and Elder Holbrook went back to the South, where we went up to Yaseens and ate some yummy rugbrød. It's the Classic Danish open sandwhich. But the last one Elder Holbrook ate was made by Yaseen, and it had a Whole ton of mayo on it... I'm still impressed that he ate it. Also, there was this random teenager there, WHO was definitely high, but we started talking to him about religion. He was like, "In the bible it says Jesus was on acid", then he said that he got the effects from a cactus. It was one of the weirdest Things I have ever heard. But... oh well.
We had splits the NeXT day. Going out with our Zone Leader, Elder Hansen. He is a cool guy, so we tried to stop by some people, WHO sadly weren't home. Then we had the baptismal interview for Andrea! Where of course, she is ready. Then I got Elder Johnson, and we walked, and walked, and walked. We tried stopping by person after person with no luck, then we got some ice cream and ate dinner. Then we walked even more to stop by someone WHO wasn't home. Then we ended up getting lost because I took the wrong turn. I'm pretty sure I walked more than 10 miles that day. I was so pooped that night.
Friday comes around, we had weekly planning. Then we served Tom, vacuum and clean up outside. Then we had an awesome lesson with familien Steen, where we read a chapter with them in the book of mormon, and just discussed what we liked and what we learned from it. They absolutely loved this. MaryAnne started marking her scriptures and just going ham on it. Anders felt really loved when he taught us something from the chapter. After that we went up to Yaseens and ate some nummy Soup, and talked about alma 32, and how we need to give place for a seed of faith.
Saturday was good, we met with andrea, to try and finalize everything which was good. We found out that Ældste Holbrook with baptize her, and I will be giving the gift of the holy ghost. I'm a Little nervous, just because It will be in Danish, but I know that it will be okay. After that we stopped by some college kids and talked video games with them  (The new pokemon looks sweet), then talked a about the gospel with them. Then we stopped by Maria, and Dorthe the supposed witch. Then we ended the night by eating a shepards pie.
Sunday was a good day at church. 3 less actives were there, 2 investigators, one of them being MaryAnne Steen. Andrea gave such a good testimony on her conversion story, and how excited she is to be baptized. Then after church we waited and met with our branch president and Andrea to finalize the program. So now it is all set in stone, and we are way excited for the baptism. After that we went up to Yaseens and watched the Uchtdorf talk with him, which was good. Yaseen gave me this random porcelin donkey that looks pretty sweet, I will have to take a Picture of it. Then we ended that day by eating lasagna and ice cream with Tom.
Thank you for the love and prayers! We are super excited to go Down to Germany on saturday. I will let you know how it goes, and how much Money I spend Down there. :D
Ældste Swan
The last picture is with Andrea, the girl that will be baptized. :D 

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